Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lometa, Texas

My husband and I drove through Lometa, Texas last week. I had never even heard of Lometa before, but I fell in love with the town as soon as I saw the train station.

It appears to have been moved. It is a very long, old-fashioned building with the old, round lamps hanging from the roof, loading docks, and front doors leading to a waiting area that makes one pause and dream...

Like many Old West towns, Lometa was a product of the railroads. Established in 1885, Lometa connected Lampassas and Abilene on the rails of the Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Railroad. As we stood outside the original depot, build in 1910, which is awaiting restoration, I imagined women in long dresses, men in fancy suits, cowhands, cattle, little children running along the boardwalk. 1910 was the year the railroad connected Lometa with nearby Eden.

Lometa was once called Montvale. It's buildings were originally in a town called Senterfitt and moved to the new location by residents seeking escape from the ruffians who rode through that Texas town. The town was platted with 200 acres in 1886.

The railroad in Lometa served cotton farmers and sheep farmers. Although it did rise in population to 1500 people around 1930, it dropped to 650 in the 1980s and the population has remained in this range to this day.

I took many pictures of the depot. It is a romantic reminder of the Old West and I do hope they restore it soon.

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