Sunday, June 8, 2014

Colorado, Here I Come!

Horsetooth Mountain, one of the most famous landmarks in Northern Colorado. Photo by Darla Sue Dollman.

Just a short note to let you know I am moving, which explains the long delay in posts--selling, buying, and moving to another state is a time-consuming process, but by the end of the week I will be living in a small town in Northern Colorado

I will be living closer to my family and friends and where I also attended and taught at the local universities. I lived in Colorado most of my life. I love Colorado and I am fascinated by its wild west history. If you notice a change in my posts, a few more focusing on mining towns, ghost towns, and the history of Colorado, now you know why!

There is still so much about the Wild West that I haven't even touched on, such as mining, logging, the early explorers, and the far western states such as California, Oregon and Washington. 

If you study a particular topic regarding the Old West and would like to guest blog or trade guest blogs, please contact me at


  1. Good luck with the move! I hope to see more posts soon!

  2. Thank you! I'm working on Yellowstone right now--have to finish my stroll through the alphabet!

  3. Good luck with the move - and looking forward to hearing about Yellowstone - fascinating place. If you're interested in a bit of British history, check out A Bit About Britain.

  4. I am interested and I will check it out! Thank you!
