Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Colorado's Deadliest Floods

You may have noticed fewer posts over the past year. I've been working on a history book about flooding in Colorado. Colorado's Deadliest Floods was released by 
The History Press on September 4, 2017. 

Tomorrow morning, September 14, 2017, I will be interviewed by Ryan Warner on "Colorado Matters," Colorado Public Radio. We will discuss the stories in the book, including the story of the Denver flood of 1864.

The show starts at 10 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m., but I believe there are two interviews. I was told by the radio station that "To hear it live, people can stream us online at, and on station 90.1 for Greeley. The story and audio will be found online later in the day to access anywhere at anytime." 

I've also been asked where to buy "Colorado's Deadliest Floods. You can purchase the book online at Amazon; Barnes & Noble: History Press --click on the title to go to the page. The book is also available in many bookstores, including independent, local bookstores. You can Google the title. 

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